
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Bagua10/20/2009 7:29:58 pm PDT

re: #196 ludwigvanquixote

Bagua, given you ability to distort and smarmily misrepresent, that is not surprising.

I said amongst other things that CO2 is a GHG and that is certain.

Care to say that isn’t certain?

You really are a cretin.

Calling me “a cretin” is not a sensible argument. It is impossible to have a civilised debate with you for this reason. On a prior thread you called me an A-hole twice in one sentence and have not retracted that either. I can not debate with someone who displays the worst of adolescent behaviour.

I am calling you out here Ludwig for you poor behaviour, not disputing that CO2 is a GHG, yes, I agree we can be “certain” of that. As I said in that prior thread, there was a sliding scale of degrees of certainty, something the IPCC has clearly stated in thier “Uncertainty Guidance Note” which they include with the Fourth Assessment Report. However, I find it impossible to debate this point of science with you as you are so fond of gutter talk,