
Video: GOP Sen. Coburn Tries to Get Elena Kagan to Say Rights Come from God

Eclectic Infidel7/01/2010 12:31:07 pm PDT

re: #14 The Curmudgeon

I don’t understand the hostility to the idea of natural rights. The Founders believed that they existed. The Ninth Amendment says:

What’s that all about if there aren’t any rights except those specified in the Constitution?

I don’t think it’s so much hostility to the idea, but equating natural rights - whatever those are, with that of “God given right” is a [pardon the cliche] a slippery slope, because then it must be defined “who’s god” are we talking about? And to which religion does this god come from? And who gets to interpret these natural “divine” rights once said rights have been defined. It’s murky.