
Tech Note: jQuery 1.6 Installed, All Systems Go

albusteve5/03/2011 4:59:16 pm PDT

re: #188 Killgore Trout

I think there was a lot of risk. If we ran afoul of the Pakistani military it could have been bad. If the Pakistanis thought it was an incursion from India it could have been a nuclear war. Was the operation too big or maybe too small. If we botched it there wouldn’t be a second chance. He made the right choice.

the CIA has backup plans for that sort of thing…and probably air support as well….if it went bad or slipped out of control, the Pakis would know and back off…the US is extremely protective of our Seal teams…but overall, there was huge risk involved, I agree…if 24 Seals get iced….it’s just unthinkable IMO