
FL Gov. Scott to Sign Bill Muzzling Doctors on Gun Safety

ilzito guacamolito5/08/2011 8:08:03 pm PDT

Wow. This is some scary stuff. First, there are teachers woefully unqualified to judge whether a child is ADD, ADHD, etc. yet their word is gospel mainly, because they do not want to deal with any possible difficulty in class. The chance that they prefer not to deal with children that may actually be thinking outside the box must be unfathomable. There are countless cases of children being branded as such merely, because the teachers are incapable or unwilling to deal with anything except their next raise and whether they’ll have to (gasp!) contribute to benefits.
Now I have to worry about whether my child mentions that I keep handguns at home and that they are allowed to touch them. Cripes! Will this result in me being visited by the local constabulary with a child welfare contingent in tow? Save us from those who presume to know better than us. My children are taught how to properly handle weapons and when to use them, if ever.
I wish you all a fruitful life.
Visu labu!