
Kansas Religious Fanatics Set to Enact Most Restrictive Anti-Abortion Law in US

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/06/2013 5:46:58 pm PDT

John Hawkins over on Townhall laments the decline of marriage… and he blames… women:

7 Reasons Marriage Is Falling Apart in America


5) Increased Economic Options For Women: There was a time when the surest path to economic security for women was to get married. Today, that’s not necessarily true. Women on the low end of the pay scale can have the government step in to pay many of their bills. Women with college degrees or in demand skills can make just as much as a man if they’re willing to put in the same hours. Those additional economic options make marriage — and staying in a difficult marriage — less attractive to women.


See, it’s all the lazy women’s fault. (Well, that and the high achieving women.)

If it weren’t for all the lazy women, and the over-achieving women, marriage would be much better off in the US.