
NEW POPE, Same as the Old Pope: Pope Francis Reiterates 'Radical Feminist' Criticism of US Nuns'

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN4/15/2013 7:24:06 pm PDT

I must confess that I don’t know all of the LCWR’s positions, but I do know that the church’s positions on birth control and homosexuality are more than just the sort of thing that can evolve. They are defined by core doctrines of faith that would require a complete overhaul if they are going to change, and that isn’t going to happen lightly. For example, I am all in favor of marriage equality, but I can understand why the Catholic Church has the position it does. The way it was taught to me was that marriage was not necessarily for procreation (as knuckleheads would have you believe) but the participants had to be open to it. IOW, an impotent man could marry (miracles happen), but not a sterile man (I guess that was pushing the envelope too far). Anyway, with gay people this is completely incompatible, and no pope is going to just sign a paper and overturn a thousand or more years of teachings lightly.