
RED FLAGS--of Reproductive Coercion • 15 Warning Signs He Doesn't Support Your Contraceptive Choices

EiMitch7/18/2013 9:18:12 pm PDT

Yes, there are red flags on this subject to watch out for. But at least a couple of them in this link involve crossing even more serious lines. Contraceptive choice isn’t your biggest problem when…

Does he threaten to hurt you if you use contraception—or consider abortion?

I would shorten that to “does he threaten to hurt you?” That ain’t cool at all, no matter what its about. Last time I checked, thats called domestic violence. Or am I missing something here?

Does he physically force you to have sex without protection?

I’d also shorten this one to “does he physically force you to have sex?” Last time I checked, thats called rape. Am I missing something?

Does the condom keep “breaking”? The third time this happened to “Libby” in Illinois, her boyfriend admitted he’d removed it. After that, he began raping her without one.

Again, if rape is involved, I think thats the main problem right there. Call the damn police! Get a restraining order. Better still, press charges.

Faced with these crimes, if the first thing you think of is “I don’t think he supports your contraceptive choice,” then you truly have been blinded by single-issue politics.