
Climate Scientist Prevails in First Round of Defamation Suit Against Right Wing Bloggers

BigPapa7/24/2013 5:41:49 pm PDT

Nice post. I was just reading Rich Lowry’s threat this AM:

If Mann sues us, the materials we will need to mount a full defense will be extremely wide-ranging. So if he files a complaint, we will be doing more than fighting a nuisance lawsuit; we will be embarking on a journalistic project of great interest to us and our readers.

And this is where you come in. If Mann goes through with it, we’re probably going to call on you to help fund our legal fight and our investigation of Mann through discovery. If it gets that far, we may eventually even want to hire a dedicated reporter to comb through the materials and regularly post stories on Mann.

My advice to poor Michael is to go away and bother someone else. If he doesn’t have the good sense to do that, we look forward to teaching him a thing or two about the law and about how free debate works in a free country.

He’s going to go to great trouble and expense to embark on a losing cause that will expose more of his methods and maneuverings to the world. In short, he risks making an ass of himself. But that hasn’t stopped him before.

Almost Dim Hoffian in its dufussery. If there’s a defamation case in process doing this kind of journalistic project of great interest would be shut down by a judge if not cause worse problems for NRO in the case.

That’s a couple of gigatons of shadenfruede right there.