
Rachel Maddow: A Brief History of GOP Cry Babies

Skip Intro10/04/2013 10:17:57 am PDT

Senator Turd Cruz trying to distance himself from the crisis he created:

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, meanwhile, was also seeking a bit of remove from the dust-up that he, more than anyone else, had forced. (Cruz kicked off the effort with a 21-hour verbal tour de force that included references to Nazis, the “Star Wars” empire and its rebels, and “Green Eggs and Ham.” Though, were he to stay in sync with the message of the Dr. Seuss masterpiece, he would have suggested at least trying Obamacare, not the opposite.)

“We’re in a shutdown for one reason,” he declared on Wednesday, blaming it all on the Democratic Senate leader. “Harry Reid wants a shutdown.”

Just keep telling yourself that, Turd. At least Fox “News” believes it.