
Entire Right Wing Media Lines Up to Support Hate Speech by Duck Dynasty's Head Caveman

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/20/2013 10:37:48 am PST

Someone pointed out this already but it was rich that the same people complaining now that Robertson had his free speech violated are the same people who wanted the Dixie Chicks blacklisted from the entertainment industry for saying they were ashamed to share the same state as President Bush. I guess it’s okay in right wing world to compare a whole group of people to animal fuckers but don’t you dare not be proud to share the same state with a president you’re not fond of. Honestly, Robertson’s entitled to his opinion but A&E is also entitled to do what they want too. He’s not being punished by jail or fine by the government for his remarks. If Robertson had made disparaging remarks about Christians, he would have been suspended too and it would have been fair too. One thing I still don’t get is I hear he was supopsedly praying for someone when eh said this. Who the hell prays for someone while babbling about gays being like animal scerwers.