
Dana Milbank: Heritage's ugly Benghazi panel

CuriousLurker6/17/2014 2:30:35 pm PDT

CD, thanks for posting this. There are videos out showing the exchange now—-there is a full one (9:26) at Media Matters and one that is cut (5:06) to just show just Gabriel over at YouTube.

The longer one shows Frank Gaffney for the first 4:12 minutes and, as bigoted & untrue as much of what he promotes is, he is at least civil with the Muslim woman—it’s Gabriel who is snarlingly contemptuous.

Anyway, as far as I can tell the one at Media Matters is not embeddable, so if you want to use the YouTube clip I’d be sure to state up front that it does NOT show the entire exchange and also provide a link to the full version at MM, otherwise you could be accused of distorting what took place, which is what’s happening to Milbank right now.

One other piece of unsolicited advice: Since not everyone is familiar with the professional Islamophobes the way we here at LGF are, it also might be helpful to provide some context by linking to the SPLC’s pages on Frank Gaffney & Brigitte Gabriel. Another handy option is Right Wing Watch’s People page, which also has links to numerous stories about Gaffney & Gabriel.