
Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled Since 2011, Harvard Research Shows

Hal_1000010/15/2014 9:58:51 am PDT

This research is garbage built on garbage. They are studying the Mother Jones sample, which includes less than one mass shooting a year and is based *entirely* on media reports. Fox’s research is based on dozens a year culled from the FBI’s comprehensive database of violent crime. Furthermore, the technique they use is extremely prone to highlighting clusters in sparsely sampled data and wildly erratic (note the uptick at the end of the sample). Furthermore, they incorrectly quote the FBI’s study on “active shooters” to claim these are mass shootings (most of the FBI’s active shooter situations did not involve mass shootings).

MJ has a long history of deceptive stats on this. This is just the latest piece of garbage. If you want to use good stats, look at overall violent crime, which has plunged over the last twenty years.