
Election Judge Robocaller ID'd, but Case Still Full of Mystery

Shropshire Slasher11/11/2014 6:33:08 am PST

Cook County Election Judges responsibilities:

Election judges have many responsibilities and perform several tasks on Election Day, including:
Opening the polling place at 6 a.m. sharp and closing it at 7 p.m.
Setting up election equipment
Providing assistance to voters
Signing in voters
Verifying voter qualifications
Distributing ballots/activation cards for touch screen machines
Operating voting equipment
Filling out forms
Processing and transmitting votes when polls close
Certifying vote totals

So a Republican who donates to Democratic candidates,

In the 19th Ward, he is known to maintain a cozy relationship with the local Democratic organization, even making political donations to them, although sources tell me he is not a wholly-owned subsidiary as is often the case.

robocalls Republican judges so that they won’t show up to the polls. Democratic tampering or Republican?