
Our Scary New Congress: Meet 5 Tea Party Extremists Taking Office This Month

CuriousLurker1/03/2015 8:54:54 am PST

re: #1 HappyWarrior

Tell me about it. This weekend I finished my book on antisemitism and started reading a book I had waiting in the wings called Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream.

It makes clear that all this crap is by design. It’s appalling and they’re playing for keeps—they don’t care if they have to burn down the entire country in order to keep their privilege, a privilege which they see as their right (a God-given one in the case of the Christian Right, with whom there’s a good deal of crossover).

They truly do see themselves (whites, Christians) as being oppressed, dispossessed, the only “real Americans”. It’s a zero-sum game for them—they don’t want to share, they want to be on top, in control. It’s a totally sick, twisted bizarre alternate universe, one that the GOP opened the door to. Now we all have to deal with it.