
Islamophobia, Fox News, and Bogus Statistics

lostlakehiker1/12/2015 8:14:14 am PST

Speaking of bogus statistics, how is it that 98% of terrorism in Europe is not related to Islamic extremists?

Perhaps you are counting the current low-key war in Ukraine as terrorism. But that’s not really what anybody hearing you would think. So take that off the table.

Now, in the past year, we’ve had the soldier beheaded in England, the two recent French incidents, attacks in Dijon and Nantes, and on and on.

Wikipedia worldwide listing since 1980 or so.Over 20 dead, for sure, over the past year. So, where are the other 980 dead due to other terrorism in Europe? Don’t bother. You know and I know and everyone reading this knows that there is no such number. Nor anything close to it. Not even if you were to give yourself ten years instead of one.

It’s a preposterous claim you’re making. Exactly of the sort you’re denouncing. Hyperbolic, utterly unfounded in reality, thrown out there without any regard for the truth.