
Cracked: 5 Brainwashing Tricks That Work No Matter How Smart You Are

Nyet3/31/2015 6:47:09 am PDT
You’ve probably all heard the nutty mythology, about how 75 million years ago the evil ruler Xenu froze billions of victims and stashed them in Earth’s volcanoes. So right away this is almost impossible to comprehend: If joining Scientology requires buying that insanity, how in the hell can Scientology have, not just tens of thousands of members, but count among them some very wealthy, successful people with no history of mental illness?

Um. How can Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism?.. It’s not like their traditional stories are any more believable. In fact, a galactic overlord stashing thetans in volcanoes sounds downright realistic compared to the traditional religious myths.