
Sunday Jam: Galia Social, "Doorways"

Jenner78/16/2015 12:14:31 pm PDT

Sorry for the OT, but I’m gotta say it. Huckabee, and men like him, are no different than ISIS.

He says: “Does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?”

First of all, he’s putting the life of a fetus as more important than that of an actual living child. Second, giving birth at 11 years old only ADDS problems for this little girl. This could have killed her. This could lead to reproductive problems when she is older. This could kill her soul. My god, what happened to this child is horrific and people like Huckabee want to traumatize her and her body even more by giving birth.

For these reasons, Huckabee, and men like him, should NEVER hold any power in government. Ever.