
New Year's Eve Weirdness: La Chica, "Oasis"

Skip Intro12/31/2015 1:06:32 pm PST

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

God put contradictions in the Bible to ‘weed out’ the atheists

Young Earth creationism evangelist Kent Hovind asserted this week that God had purposefully put contradictions in the Bible to “weed out” non-believers.

In a YouTube video posted on Monday, the Christian fundamentalist responds to a follower who is troubled by a contradiction in the book of Acts.

“If I was God,” Hovind explains, “I would write the book in such a way that those who don’t want to believe in me anyway would think they found something. ‘Aha, here’s why I don’t believe.’”

Hovind then goes on to say

that he made a choice to “believe the Bible until it’s proven wrong.”

, which of course can never happen because he knows that would be a trick.