
The Bob & Chez Show: Remembering Prince, the Iconclast

Kragar4/22/2016 12:03:56 pm PDT

“Growing up I never, ever had someone talk to me about consent and its importance. I even had sex ED in school!” he added. “This shit is important ya’ll.”

When a commenter linked to the post and wrote, “It is the parents’ duty to have ‘the talk’ with their kids, not a government funded organization that murders babies,” — Damien slapped him back.

“First of all f*cktruck: I am not a government employee. My wages are not paid by the government,” He replied. “Second: zero babies have ever been murdered in a planned parenthood. I didn’t say a god damn word about abortion but you had to get your f*cking tighty whiteys in a bunch because an organization that you know nothing about is doing good things for millions of people and you hate it. Shut your face up about shit you don’t understand you f*cking dump truck.”