
Why the NRA Hates Smart Guns

Dark_Falcon4/30/2016 9:16:33 pm PDT

re: #1 Eric The Fruit Bat

I read the article and to me is screams more of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Granted. there isn’t a whole lot you can do with the millions of firearms already out in the hand of ordinary citizens outside of going all MADD-like when a toddler grabs a unsecured firearm and kills himself or someone else (which in this last week, we had 6 events and five deaths.)

To me, it’s high time that we hold firearm owners to the same standard we hold drunk drivers when it comes to the havoc they wreak when they get careless-especially when we’re talking about a constitutional right vs. a privilege.

What the article is saying is that given the way that gun control laws get made in this country, a viable ‘smart gun’ cannot avoid posing a legislative threat to all ‘non-smart’ firearms. Sooner or later, some anti-gun politician would impose a smart gun mandate, even if they initially denied that they intended to do so.