
Sunday Slammer: Joe Bonamassa, "Boogie Woogie Woman"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/30/2016 12:57:16 pm PDT

Surging in the polls, e.g., Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump separated by one point in latest ABC News/Washington Post poll,

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are separated by a single point in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll — one week after that survey showed Clinton holding a 12-point lead.

WaPo notices:

White Republicans are coming home to Donald Trump, at just the right time


The Post’s tracking poll, conducted with ABC News, has shown a much closer national race over the past few days, thanks in large part to Republican enthusiasm. “Greater Republican unity has buoyed Trump’s rising support,” our pollsters wrote of Sunday’s survey, which showed Trump behind by a single point. On Thursday, Trump trailed by six points. Because Republicans vote more consistently than Democrats (consistent voting correlates to age and income), more support from Republicans can quickly mean a more Trump-friendly pool of likely voters.
