
Video: John Oliver Takes Apart the Far Right Sinclair Broadcast Group

Targetpractice7/03/2017 12:43:12 pm PDT

According to the folks over at TPM, the Senate GOP are so desperate to get a bill passed and not receive the blame next year for the failure of Trumpcare that they’re basically pushing the CBO to come up with reports based purely upon hypotheticals. Case in point:

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), the fourth-highest ranking Republican in the Senate, told reporters that after grilling the CBO’s leaders at the weekly GOP luncheon, he wants them to produce a report that shows “that the preponderance of the people who would not be insured were not actually losing insurance.”

“Because it’s a free country, they would choose, because we eliminate the individual mandate, to not buy insurance,” he said.

That’s the modern GOP in a nutshell: “I’m not robbing you, I’m just giving you the choice to live without your valuables.”