
Lucy Woodward and Charlie Hunter (Who Plays Bass and Lead Guitar at the Same Time): "Stranger Blues"

retired cynic5/02/2021 10:58:09 am PDT

Stranded on Trump Island, the GOP lets Biden play the long game

This article made sense to me.

But Biden’s intuition is that economic questions unite less economically privileged voters across racial lines — and that many non-college-educated voters think the Democrats have stopped talking to them altogether. By addressing their concerns explicitly and sympathetically, as he did last week, Biden hopes first to close this communications gap and then deliver tangible benefits.
There’s certainly a case that American politics are now so fluid that sturdy realignments are impossible.
But with Republicans stranded on Trump Island, Biden has an opportunity to hold his party’s base and begin poaching the GOP’s core voters. He’s made no secret of his intentions.