
Colbert Finally Bans Kanye West From the Late Show, Even Though He's Never Been On

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈10/28/2022 10:44:39 am PDT
Agrawal, who saw Musk turn on him months ago, is set to receive the largest payout of $38.7 million, due largely to the entirety of his shares vesting upon his firing.

Ned Segal, Twitter’s chief financial officer, is set to receive a $25.4 million payout for getting fired.

Vijaya Gadde, the chief legal officer, will leave with $12.5 million.

Sarah Personette, the chief customer officer, would get $11.2 million.

Sometimes it pays to get fired. Twitter’s top executives stand to make a total of $88 million between them if Elon Musk ousts them. Here’s the payday for each executive. (BI via MSN)