
Why American Liberal Jews think Israel has good intentions

Amy1/05/2009 1:10:47 pm PST

No, schmuck, the reason why the so-called peace process has not resulted in a day of peace for Israel is because the Arabs will not accept a sovereign Jewish state in the Middle East. Arafat wiped his ass with the Oslo Agreements, because he never carried out a single one of his obligations under the agreements. Not a single one. Ever. Not even to educate the Arab children for peace. Not even that. Instead, there were more attacks, more instigation, more hate indoctrination. And then Arafat’s “security” men, who were supposed to work with the Israelis to keep order, turned their guns, which they had gotten from Israel as part of Oslo, on Israelis.

Furthermore, there is nothing in any UN resolution or anywhere else that forbids Jews from living in Judea or Samaria. Nothing. To call these areas “Palestinian land” is incorrect. It is not their land and never was. It is disputed territory.

And why couldn’t Israel let the Palestinians control their borders in Gaza when Israel withdrew in 2005? Because if they had, terrorists would have been pouring into Israel to kill Jews, their airport would have been busy 24/7 unloading weapons and welcoming jihadis from all over the world, and their shores would have been full of ships bearing weapons from Iran and Syria and elsewhere.

The “liberal Jews” should ask themselves: why did the Israelis have to go so far as to remove even their dead from cemeteries in Gaza? What does that tell you about the “people” living there?