
1998 Study Linking Vaccine to Autism was Fraud - Information about participants was altered by the researchers

alexknyc1/05/2011 7:09:48 pm PST

re: #1 Dark_Falcon

Andrew Wakefield is the scum of the universe. He’s gotten scores of people killed and thousands have been sicked, all to fuel his need for money and power.

I work with Aspbergers kids and am constantly pointing out to people who should know better (my co-workers, to name but a few) that the study was HORSESHIT and Wakefield has lost his license due to fraud. The sample was too small and the data was faked. At one talk, Wakefield was talking about the results of blood tests when he was interrupted from the audience. The man told Wakefield he was full of shit and he could prove it since he was the lab tech who had actually run Wakefield’s blood tests and the results were nothing like what Wakefield had published.

Kids die needlessly from this crap, and those who spread this disinformation need to be held criminally and financially liable for the easily foreseeable results.