
The Siege of Planned Parenthood

Buck2/07/2011 8:02:00 am PST

Ya, she is just a pretty woman. Using her good looks to manipulate the rubes.

Wow! Taking lessons in Misogyny from Ludwig?

She clearly feels strongly that there are organizations that are willingly supporting the crime of prostitution and in this case even child slavery, rape and endangerment.

There is nothing in the law that says they have to give ANY advice to someone who admits to using children in that way.

You NEVER have to provide useful information to a self-proclaimed child molester.

When the rapist asks how soon the child will be able to get back to earning money, and you say two weeks and advise that they could still earn money “above the waist”… It is clear to everyone where your judgement is. This isn’t providing useful birth control information. This is very close to aiding and abetting.

You have not seen all the videos yet. You don’t know when they called the authorities. The timeline is NOT clear yet. It has been reported that the first time the authorities were called in after the 10th video was made.

We have only seen 2 out of the possible 15.