
Ariz. Senate leader avoids arrest after fight with girlfriend due to legislative immunity

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/27/2011 1:32:15 am PST

The name seemed to ring a bell… so I’ve done a bit more digging.

Bundgaard has history.

Boy, does he have history.

He’s a convicted thief:

He’s buddies with the Falcones:

Has a long running stance against social programs:

It was very wise for us to be… to be cutting taxes, because the government should only be using as much money as it needs to exist. By sending money back to the people, that is money that we are not going to be able to spend. Had we not handed over a billion dollars in tax cuts back to the taxpayers in Arizona, that’s another $1 billion we would be obligated to find a way to pay for because that money would have invariably been spent on social programs.

Coincidentally, during his break in public service after the above service geared towards eliminating taxes, he found himself in the employ of JP Morgan to:

[…] help corporations and high-net-worth individuals use Like-Kind Exchanges to manage their tax liabilities. […] “Scott’s experience in government, real estate and financing makes him a terrific addition to our JPMorgan team,” said Christopher Yebuah, president of J.P. Morgan Property Exchange Inc.

Now, I’m not saying that a young man who gets involved in crime ought not to be given a second chance. Or that someone who finds themselves in a violent relationship ought not to be allowed some sympathy.

However, in the case of Bundgaard we have someone who:
Is a convicted thief;
Is friends with notorious international arms dealing family;
Spent his entire political career pushing the elimination of state services;
Now Sponsors numerous xenophobic legislation;
Who, finally, after being in a physical fight with his girlfriend to the point that law enforcement had to be brought in on the matter declares that “There was no ‘domestic violence.’ “

There’s a pattern here.

Not unlike how Beck continues his escapism (now through hyper-religion as opposed to illicit drugs), Bundgaard continues his pattern of blindness to his own (significant) moral flaws.

No wonder the racist wingnuts of AZ love him. Just as they are blind to Bundgaard’s characterological flaws they are blind to their own racism and hate.