
Acid attacks: 7 women burned in two days

shutdown9/19/2011 8:08:54 am PDT

re: #1 CuriousLurker

Don’t you think these attacks fall in the same category as so-called “honour killings”? Certainly there are murders or attacks that are perpetrated by Muslims on other Muslims, they are not necessarily a “Muslim” issue. But when they are perpetrated in the name of Islam, and the family’s religious honour, do these killings not become a Muslim issue? It is a fine line, and certainly not without controversy, but immediately claiming that it is not a Muslim issue is not necessarily supported by the information in the article. The same would be true if we were discussing the actions of Haredi violence against secular Jews; in some instances it is motivated by religion, in some it is not. I think a valid discussion can be had on the issues.