
Video: Saudi Princess Pushes For Women's Rights

researchok9/28/2011 10:54:57 am PDT

Clearly, assigning a lower status to women is more political than religious (women in other Muslim countries are far more empowered). The question is how to effect change? Also, in the Middle East, the conflict between the religious parties versus the more secular parties has become sharper. This is also true of Muslim societies outside the region, albeit more slowly (Indonesia and Malaysia come to mind).

I would venture to say the politics are the primary reason. If you don’t have a say in determining the quality of your life, turning to a religion (any religion) that offers the sense of hope and dignity becomes almost irresistible.

The problem is that after a while, it becomes easier to rely on ever escalating religious demands in exchange for promises of ever escalating rewards than it is to work and struggle for change in the quality of life ‘down here’.

American Muslims can and should strive to be more influential.

Freedom and religious faith are not mutually exclusive in a free society.