
Birthers say Marco Rubio is not eligible to be president

terraincognita10/20/2011 3:52:32 am PDT

The precedent by the US Supreme Court is not set down in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875) but in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). This established that the following is required for the status of natural borne citizen, N.B.:

That a person borne within the confines of the United States even to alien parents who are not a part of a foreign government (military, diplomatic etc) is a natural borne citizen.

That a person borne outside the United States to two American citizens is a natural borne citizen.

Thusly, Obama, McCain, Rubio and Jindal eligibility to be and become President of the United States is not an issue.

It appears that birthers have a very difficult time wrapping their head around the precedent that is in effect, and why the US Supreme Court will not take up this issue.