
Overnight Open Thread

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin11/14/2011 10:24:20 pm PST

Beware of the Child-Collecting Industrial Complex. They may be looking out for them for reasons quite different from what is stated.

Prosecutors: Coach went from mentor to predator

Just as his boss, Joe Pa, had stood for class and dignity, Sandusky represented heart. He raised millions for The Second Mile, the charity he founded for at-risk kids. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush had called it “a shining example.”

The coach and his wife had adopted six children — three after taking them in through foster care. He dedicated most of his off-season to running camps and helping The Second Mile kids, many from single-parent homes and in need of another adult in their lives.


To this day, those abused are still told they are lucky and ought to be grateful for their treatment, I can gua-ron-tee it.