
Video: Obama's First 2012 Ad

palomino1/18/2012 7:22:45 pm PST

I’m not sure that ad will work. It’s reasonable, centrist and doesn’t accuse anyone of hating America or being a socialist.

Romney’s about to run an incredibly dirty campaign in the general. He’s been running for 5 years, and certainly doesn’t want to be denied. Moreover, he’s not shy about using the nasty code language and dog whistles that McCain, to his everlasting credit, refused to lower himself to. But Romney lacks the integrity, scruples, and core convictions of a John McCain.

Romney will achieve his smears largely through SuperPACs, so as to keep a plausible distance, but his fingerprints will be all over it. If you thought 2008 was ugly, just wait a few more weeks…this is gonna be a total embarassment.