
Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl Says I Lied That He Defended Derbyshire, Then Defends Derbyshire

Eclectic Cyborg4/11/2012 11:05:39 am PDT

You know it drive me nuts. I spent several years in college learning how to be a good journalist and a good communicator. I learned the importance of using verified facts and corroborating information and reliable sources.

And I also learned all the important things you SHOULDN’T do, which is basically most of what Dan Riehl and his ilk do on a daily basis.

And despite all that, these moron bloggers make considerably more money than I do all while being sad lame excuses for journalists and sad, lame excuses for opinion/editorial writers.

Hell, I’m good at making stuff up. Maybe I should start up a right wing blog where I just post fake yet plausible sounding stories as truth, push the envelope as far as I possibly can, vigorously DEFEND myself and insult my detractors after they call me on my bullshit and make a good chunk of change in the process.

Than again, maybe my personal integrity matters more to me than any of that.