
Insanity Break: 'Shine a Light for Nature'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/16/2012 5:37:13 pm PDT

Speaking of light, and nature…

As some of you may know (and be bored with by now) I’ve been following the Ehrman Did Jesus Exist fallout, especially with the mythicists.

However, Ehrman, who likes to crank out popular books yearly now, is being attacked by fundamentalist Catholics for a book from a couple of years ago:

A reader asks about “Lost Christianities”

As one commenter puts it so succinctly:

Posted by Shamrock on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 8:56 AM (EST):

I have known about the evil influence of Bart Ehrmann’s books and false teachings personally. As a result of studying under this influence at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, a good friend left the Church and became a vocal adversary. It is no longer possible to “reach” her with the Truth as she has become so steeped in his falsity. Of course all things being possible with God we continue to pray for her soul. Thanks for bringing this man’s evil works to light. He has appeared from time to time on the best sellers list so I assume his influence is quite wide.

Hehe… Ehrman certainly knows how to stir the pot (and assure himself of book sales for many years to come.)

The case in this article is Ehrman’s book Lost Christianities which recounts the struggle over orthodoxy and the formation of the NT.