
NSA: It Would Violate Your Privacy to Say if We Spied on You

Curt6/19/2012 8:38:58 am PDT

re: #1 CuriousLurker

Great, and this is with the FBI is looking to add more backdoor loopholes.

This has to be pure B.S.:

All it should take is running some database queries. If they don’t have all this info in databases (which I cannot conceive of), or if the databases have such an enormous amount of info that they cannot be quickly & efficiently searched and analyzed, then what’s the use in gathering it all in the first place?

Methinks they don’t want the public to know how many Americans have been spied on. That’s not a good sign.

P.S. You might want to add “Privacy” to your tags so it’ll come up in searches if someone clicks on that word as there are lots of other Pages with that tag.

Concur with all of the above.

The bad smell: We can’t search the database for who, but we sure can home in on a plot to blow up a bridge in moments….And you know they have petabytes of storage in a secure location with it all there, and somewhere else, too….