
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

goddamnedfrank7/12/2012 6:27:56 pm PDT

Oh snap. This is getting really bad for Romney.

Also, what happened to the allegation that Mitt claimed (for voting purposes) that he lived in his son’s unfinished basement? Was that ever supported or refuted, because it was hilarious?:

Mitt Romney lived in his son’s unfinished basement in Belmont, Massachusetts in 2010 – or at least that what he claimed to the state to be able to vote last year, says GOP candidate Fred Karger.

If that’s true, Romney showed a true commitment to voting for Republican Senator Scott Brown in last year’s special election, since he owns a $12.5 million home in La Jolla, Calif. and a $10 million home in New Hampshire’s Lake Winnipesaukee – but no home in the state he was once governor.