
And Now, Instruments of Robot Repair

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/19/2012 5:47:58 pm PDT

Bringing this over from downstairs… today long time National Review writer John Derbyshire came right out and asks the question: What, Exactly, Is Wrong With “Racism”?

in which, besides demonstrating his ignorance of the ancient history of the British isles, he concludes:


As for “domination over others,” though, I can detect no widespread desire for any such thing in today’s world. Among American whites, the strongest negative desire I can see is for separation. For every white person who wants to lord it over blacks, there are a hundred at least who would just like to stay away from them, to live as if they did not exist. This is the desire driving the voluntary residential and educational segregation that are such marked features of modern American life.

The white Britons whom Ms. Gibson would like to exclude from their nation’s politics are similarly disposed. They wish no harm to the people of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, Arabia, and the black Caribbean. They just wish those people had stayed in their own countries. And they resent their not having done so.

Is that racism within the current usage of the word? Probably.

Is there anything wrong with it?

Not that I can see.

It’s a full frontal argument for segregation.

And I bet there are current NR writers who still agree with Derbyshire.