
The Lessons of the Gosnell Case: Exactly the Opposite of the Right Wing Spin

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/15/2013 11:29:41 am PDT

re: #17 A Mom Anon

So why was abortion taken out of the hospital setting and mostly relegated to stand alone clinics? IMO, this may have been the thing that made the anti choice movement’s mission lots easier. There are women’s centers in nearly every major hospital, I don’t get the need to relegate abortion(but no other proceedure related to women’s health)to strictly clinics for the most part.

I don’t either. Plus if you had them at a hospital setting, perhaps the incidents involving harassment of women getting abortions and people working at the facility would decrease. That’s the thing that even when I had a slightly ‘pro-life’ mindset that annoyed me about the movement. It disgusted me that people would harass someone making a difficult choice like that. And I knew people who did through my neighborhood and they would brag about it.