
Edward Snowden Never Had Access to the NSA's "Crown Jewels"

HoosierHoops7/22/2013 9:55:55 pm PDT

re: #12 darthstar

By the way…if you’re looking for a dark and somewhat disturbing movie, “Only God Forgives” (Ryan Gosling, a bunch of Thai actors) is a pretty good choice. Watching Ryan Gosling get his ass handed to him in a fight is worth the $6.99 PPV charge. Movie’s pretty dark, but it is interesting.

I read a critic review the movie today. He said it was a top 5 worst movie he had ever seen..Really bad..It got boo’d at Sundance so bad Ryan would not get on stage to take questions and comments.. Currently there are no good reviews of the movie..From what I read about it..I agree