
Strict N.J. Rule on Gun Permits Stands, as Supreme Court Refuses Case

Rightwingconspirator5/05/2014 8:26:01 pm PDT

re: #18 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I already made my argument, you seem to have just skipped it. Reserve cops have less training than regular cops. Even regular cops I’d like to see some sort of review.

No clue what that means.

I don’t presume not, though.

Do you know the actual rates of cops committing crimes vs. the regular population?

Then you’ll only convince ideological people who share your beliefs, not people who look for some sort of pragmatic approach.

From the top-
I’d like a reference of link to show me why to presume reserve police training is inadequate. Your presumption is backwards IMO. But if you can show that resereve police are somehow undertrained by all means show me.

See ordinary citizens can easily get to a level of training that makes CCW as safe as any detective with a snubbie under his coat. But if reserve training is really that bad-on gun safety show me.

Where you have no clue-I can’t help that. Try having someone else read through and explain it to you. I suspect most folks can do that.

If you don’t imply ill intent, or a lack of good character, then why not issue? This kinda flies in the face of your contention unless you seek to apply an impossibly high standard to getting a ccw. Nice, Well played as they say.

Now I reject your implication that I must show a lower rate or equal of crime from police to justify them having a CCW when retired or reserved.. No, show me why I should not impart trust in the very same police that go through background checks, training, retraining, drug tests, cameras in their cars and a police division devoted to watching their behavior as in Internal affairs responsibilities.

I really don’t agree only ideological people will see the harm in denial of civil rights short of actual damages like a civil suit.

So are you finally clear on where and how we disagree so extensively on this topic? Leaving aside the relative merits that of course only readers could decide for themselves, have I left anything unclear about my opinions? Except that have no clue thing of course I can let that go as misunderstood.