
Philadelphia Mosque Leaders Try to Cut Off Man's Hand

electrotek7/19/2014 9:19:14 am PDT

re: #15 Randall Gross

oh and what about those Amish beard cutters, those buddhist hate groups in Myanmar? Ok to hate all Amish or Buddhists in your book?

It’s perfectly acceptable to hate on Buddhist extremists like the 969 nutjobs in Burma or the Bodu Bada Senu idiots in Sri Lanka. Salafis are an extremist representation of the Islamic faith, just like the BBS nutjobs are of the Buddhist faith, that is responsible for destabilizing and destroying the many indigenous cultures of various Muslim lands. It deserves the most scorn.

I just think how it’s ironic that Evangelicals are open for criticism but when it comes to other groups we should just not say anything.