
World Net Daily Founder Joseph Farah Celebrates Earth's 6,028th Birthday

EPR-radar10/23/2014 10:54:51 am PDT

re: #12 Mattand

And this is why I get irritable whenever I hear how the GOP is going to take over both houses of Congress in two weeks.

Most Americans politically are so fucking wrapped up in the whole “They’re all equally bad” false balance, they think the party that ground the government to halt twice in 20 years are the perfect people to run government.

And putting the GOP in control opens the door to the fanatics like Farrah who are hell bent on turning the US into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia.

But all politicians are the same. Idiots.

If the main stream media would just do their bloody jobs for once by exposing the GOP for what it is, such magical balance fairy nonsense might not be so popular with voters.