
Overnight Jam: Keith Jarrett Trio, "Rider"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/07/2014 3:05:03 am PST

re: #18 Islamo-Masonic Vourdalak

Those familiar with the LGF history probably know Trifkovic. A now former lizard Kejda Gjermani wrote this expose: , which was advertised here.

Oh, a charming fellow, he. Just the kind of people the separatists would want in Luhansk and Donyetsk.

I’d bet that Abernathy fellow is another Robert Spencer associate, but I haven’t exercised my google-fu to its highest level today.

BTW, I asked my Ukrainian neighbors about who they favor. Both said they are trying to remain neutral; they’re musicians not politicians, they said. Mostly they worry about their families, about the lack of municipal utilities and food. I sensed they both would prefer to be governed by Ukraine and not by Putin surrogates, and would just as soon the pro-Russian, extreme right wing factions get the hell out of Luhansk.

I also gather both have family members who are pro-separatist, which may explain why they are trying to remain neutral.