
Video: Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Powerful Statement Supporting Planned Parenthood

De Kolta Chair8/04/2015 12:41:36 pm PDT

Qu coo???

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch: Michael Savage: Obama Will Commit Anti-White Genocide, Just As The Mayans Prophesied

On yesterday’s edition of “The Savage Nation,” Savage said he felt the need to tell his audience about this prophecy, which he said he read about in an email, because of “the hatred towards white people that is being fanned primarily from inside of the American administration.”

“They interviewed an ancient, an old Mayan woman who said she had a dream and she said, ‘I see the future and in the future we will be missing our white brothers,’” Savage said. “That was chilling, that was a shocking, chilling statement. I don’t want to dwell on that too much but the fact of the matter is that unless something drastic is done quickly, how does this all end?”