
Right Wing Troll Chuck Johnson Moves to Quash Subpoena From National Abortion Federation

lawhawk11/03/2015 11:29:03 am PST

re: #13 Skip Intro

An unaccredited law school at that whose founding is, um, questionable. More specifically, it was founded by Bill Gothard. Yeah, that one.

The truth has come out that Gothard has sexually harassed and in some cases sexually assaulted young girls over a 45 year period. Some of those I know from OBCL and IBLP have seen his tendency to pick willowy young women, and spend time alone with them. The victims include close friends of people I know, and even relatives of my own friends. Thanks to the magic of the internet, I have also discovered that there was a serious scandal back in 1980, long before my family ever attended a Gothard seminar. Because bad news was easier to hide back then, Gothard managed to escape consequences, and even solidify his power. This time, it hasn’t been so easy, and Gothard was finally forced to resign.

The same Gothard who’s up to his eyeballs in the #DuggarFamilyValues.