
Sunday Slammer: Joe Bonamassa, "Boogie Woogie Woman"

goddamnedfrank10/30/2016 1:21:56 pm PDT

Patronizing wanker.

So why am I supporting Trump for president?

Because Trump is running for president of the United States and not Miss Congeniality, as I have reminded myriad people. Because Trump is a no-nonsense businessman who hires, fires, knows how to meet a payroll, and yes, he has declared bankruptcy, but he has taken calculated risks with his own capital and grown his business. (His most recent project, Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC has been completed under budget and ahead of schedule.) Because as a potential president with business acumen Trump will negotiate better trade deals for the United States than his opponent - trade deals that will improve the American economy and help put Americans back to work.

Because Trump supports the Second Amendment of the Constitution which will keep our mothers, daughters, sisters, and all women safer than dialing 9-1-1 and hoping help arrives before becoming the victim of rape, murder, or any other crime.

Because I want my two daughters, and all your daughters to enjoy the rights afforded by the First and Second Amendments to the United States Constitution. Because Trump has provided a list of potential jurists to the Supreme Court and none of their names are Barack Obama or Bill Clinton; because a Trump defeat will tip the balance of the Supreme Court to the far left for generations to come with the possibility of four appointments from the next president. As it is, the Founders would hardly recognize the country today.

OUR women. Because women need free speech and guns but not bodily autonomy or full equality under the law.