
This Is Amazing: "Hi Ren"

(((Archangel1)))2/18/2023 3:30:00 pm PST

From last thread,
re: #86 William Lewis

What is your definition of better?

The background of the upper left is best to me & the tree of the lower right is best to me.

Well “better” for me is “better looking tree”. But one’s being submitted in the next hour for the next NightCafe daily challenge (which is about trees), so the definition of better would be “whichever one will get voters to go ‘ooh, pretty!’ and give it five stars”. :)
Was hoping there’d be more of a preference for one over the rest but A or D were preferred rather equally so far. D is more detailed and seems to me to be better lighted, but it’s also less realistic tree-wise. A seems to have a better looking background, but while the tree seems more realistic branches it isn’t as detailed.
Do I submit the one that’s less realistic but “prettier” or the one that’s more realistic and not as pretty?

Down to two finalists…