
Veritasium: What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color Vision

BeenHereAwhile6/01/2024 8:38:38 pm PDT

re: #2 Charles Johnson

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My Trump score card to date:

(Let me know if I forgot something)

Two House impeachments, but no convictions by US Senate.

Trump University shut down and Trump paid $25 million settlement in federal court in 2017.

~$450 million NY State Civil judgment and interest for Tax Fraud in 2019

Trump is prohibited from operating a business in NY.

Trump paid $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes, and is prohibited from operating a charity in NY.

$80 million Civil judgment in multiple defamation suits to E Jean Carroll.

Convicted of 34 NY State felonies

if he’s sentenced to prison, he loses the right to vote.

He’s prohibited from getting access to classified information based on 34 felony convictions

Trump has several federal criminal cases and one GA state criminal case pending for a total of 54 counts.