
Debunking a Corollary to the Nirth Certifikit Theory

SixDegrees7/29/2009 1:44:40 pm PDT

Nice job, Charles. But it won’t make any difference. The nirthers will simply move the goalposts again; it isn’t about their speculation being wrong, see, it’s now about 0bama’s refusal to release the original, which must contain something incriminating or he wouldn’t be hiding it, see? They’ll be more careful in the future not to be so specific in their speculation about what that something is, to stave off further debunking, but they’ve once again shifted the argument from the evidence (which they’ve once again failed to provide) back onto 0bama’s behavior in the context of the bizarre, alternative Universe they’ve constructed. And since the only actual input in this matter is the creation of more and more fictional postulates, this can literally go on forever.

The only cure is to ignore them to death. They do this for the attention it brings; shut of the spotlight, and they’ll wander off to more fruitful attention-getting topics, like chemtrails.